Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Too Much Alone Time

By nature, I am a social creature. I like to have people around. I like to chat. I like companionship.

But I am also a homebody. Usually, I am quite content to sit at home on my holidays and read or watch TV. I like alone time, just not too much.

I have been alone with my thoughts for a few days in a row now, and I am done with it.

I start to wonder if I am going crazy. Am I depressed? Am I getting fat? Is there something else I should be doing?? Am I lazy?? Why is there nothing on TV? Why do I insist on watching crap?? Why haven't my emails been answered?? Why is no one commenting on facebook?? Where is everyone??

So thankfully, I am leaving on a road trip. I will have PLENTY of socializing, stuck in a van for 14 hours with a variety of people.

Will anyone be offended if I throw on the headphones and listen to the ipod??