Thursday, July 9, 2009


Lately, in an effort to be green, and save on gas, I have been relying on public transportation. This is not a problem in the area where I live. I walk five minutes to the nearest bus, or ten minutes to the local bus hub where I can catch any number of buses going any number of directions. I like taking the bus. I find it interesting to people watch on the bus. So many different people take the bus. Business people, homeless people, kids without cars, elderly people with walkers, moms with strollers, people in wheelchairs....every walk of life is represented on the bus on any given day.

The only thing that I get anxiety about is catching the bus. I watch the street constantly, knowing that the bus is going to go right by, before I get there, and then I will have to wait an extra ten minutes for the next one. In my head, I know that this is not a big deal, but somehow, I think that I will look stupid if I just miss the bus. I know, I know...that's crazy and especially these days, I have lots of time to wait. Further to that, I usually have a book or magazine and an ipod to keep me occupied....but still I literally RUN down the street (even when I know I have at least 10 minutes until the bus comes) in order to not miss the bus!

Sometimes, I feel crazy. The thoughts and worry in my head can drag me down. It gets worse at this time of the year because I don't have any scheduled tasks to complete. I like schedules and routines and in the summer, I don't have specific tasks. I have to make myself busy to get out of the house and to get out of my mind.

I like structure. No worries about that:)