Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I think that this is something most people can relate to....interviews are scary! I haven't had that many real interviews in my life, but I am always so nervous before hand.

What should I wear?? Will I be too dressy?? Too casual?? Will I remember all of the research that I have done for this?? Will they ask me questions that I can't think of any answers to?? Will I be able to represent myself honestly, fairly, but also perfectly for the job?? How will I feel if I get turned down?? How will I deal with the disappointment??

After the interview, though is the hard part. Waiting until they call you back to let you know if you've got the job or not....Waiting by the phone, heart racing every time it does ring, constantly checking messages to see if you've missed a call, feeling your heart sink with every day that passes....ahhh, yes....making your life a little shorter in the process with all of the anxiety and worry....

Good luck H. I know you will knock 'em off their rockers!