Monday, July 6, 2009


I HATE lateness. And if that sounds like an exaggeration to you, ask anyone who has known me for awhile to tell you about it. When I have to be somewhere, be it for an interview, meeting or drinks with a friend, I am ALWAYS on time, usually early. In fact, I am usually 10 to 30 minutes early, just so I won't be late. I get this trait from my father. There was many a Sunday that we would all be in the car to go to church with about half an hour to get there despite the fact that we lived 5 minutes away, waiting for my mom, who is also never late, but does not really see the value in being anywhere too early. How their marriage has survived 30 years with this difference of opinion is a testament to their true love for each other, I am sure.......but I digress.

Punctuality. The art (or science?) of being on time (and prepared) for the appointments/dates/meetings/etc that we participate in throughout the course of a day/week/month/year. Some people can always be counted on to show up when they say they will show up. Other people need to write it down. Still others need to be reminded beforehand. Some people make it a habit of making people wait.

These are the people that cause me and others like me to be sent into waves of panic at 7:02 when dinner was scheduled to start at 7:00. Why are they late? Has there been an accident?? Is everyone okay? What will I do with all of this food/these handouts/this coffee if they don't show up?? Do they still want to be friends with me?? Will I be fired? Did I get the date/time/place wrong? Did they forget?? Are they hanging out with someone else?? Are we still friends?? Should I call?? Will that make them mad??

Sometimes the anxiety turns into anger. How can they be so selfish?? Don't they know that I have been waiting here for half an hour?? Don't they know I could have been doing something else??

But usually, the worry turns into more worry: I hope everything is okay.....Should I turn on the news to find out if there has been an accident?? Should I call the police?? Should I cancel the reservation??

All is forgiven of course when the person/people that I am waiting for show up. The anxiety disappears and everything can carry on as if I never had a panic attack in my mind prior to said party showing big deal:)