Thursday, August 6, 2009

Crossing the Border

I spent last weekend in Chicago...What a fantastic city! Many friendly people, easy to get around, great has everything I want in a big city. The only problem when a girl from Manitoba crosses into the United States of America is that she somehow must get back into her own country. The border guards from Canada into the United States are usually friendly, courteous, and eager to let you into their country so that you will eat their food, drink their liquor and buy tons of things that you don't need in the hopes of kick-starting their economy again.....They basically welcome you with open arms and give you treats like cheap booze and sales every time you turn around.

Getting back into the country of your birth however, continually proves difficult and even, at times, scary. The reason for this is that anything can happen. The stories of friends, friends of friends and even people who "knows someone who once..." are varied and developed to create such a sense of impending doom as you approach the border crossing, grown men and women have been known to freak out about such little things as what time they crossed into the states or how much money they spent in the states.

Here is what you need to worry about, should you ever be in this situation (and what I worry about every time I try to get back into my own country):
Do I have all of my receipts? Are there tags on all of the things that I purchased?? Will they believe me that this is the item I purchased even if it doesn't have the tags?? Will I get hauled into the garage??? Will I have to repack all of my things?? How will I ever get everything back in the suitcase if they do decide to rip it open?? Why can't this border guard just smile for once?? Why are they asking me over and over again what time I crossed into the states?? Is the limit $400 USD or $400 CAD?? What if I get hauled into one of those dungeon-like interogation rooms and they take control of my identity?? What if they slash the seats of the van?? Who has to pay for that?? Do I have my passport with me?? Do they take debit cards if I have to pay duty?? How much alcohol can I bring into Canada?? Why do I go to the states again?? Are the deals really better?? Is it worth it to drive 8 hours, stay in a hotel for a weekend so that I can get $10 off of a T-shirt that I really don't need?? Hmm.....

Anyway, consider yourself warned....