Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Now, let's be clear about one thing...I do not smoke, nor have I ever smoked anything except for apple-flavoured tobacco out of a hooka (sp.?) about a month ago. I did not inhale.

But still I worry about smoking....I worry about my friends and loved ones dying of lung cancer or mouth cancer or tongue cancer or emphysema or some other horrible smoking-related illness. And then, I also worry about me. What if I die of second-hand smoke related illnesses (because it would never be just one, oh no, it would be all of the worst ones combined into one horrible way to die.....but i digress)

What caused today's worry?? Well, I had just biked home from work and was pouring sweat as it was almost 30 degrees today, and there are guys working on the house. This is a good thing....but the "kitchen" reno is a whole other blog entry.....I said hi to the guys and went upstairs to cool off and get ready for the evening. Then I smelled something. Could it be cigarette smoke???? Yep. Is it coming from outside??? Nope. Could these guys actually be SMOKING IN MY HOUSE?????? NO, it can't be......but then I went downstairs....and sure enough, just lighting up in my "dining room"....I kindly asked them to stop smoking in the house and they promptly went outside (and they apologised) and I went upstairs...kinda pissed and kinda shocked.....I couldn't believe it. I was speechless and then I texted H. (my husband) about it. He said it was no big deal.....I disagreed and I voiced my displeasure. He maintained his stand, and I maintained mine.....but what to do. I asked them to stop, they did. End of story......but another worry sets in...

Will my clothes stink like smoke? Will the lingering residue cause cancer in me, my housemates or my unborn children?? Will I be struck by an astma attack in the middle of the night and die because I won't be conscious??? So far none of this has happened, but i have all of the windows open.....I'm not taking any chances, even in the pouring rain!