Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Beginning - Money

I think that most people worry about money in some way, shape or form. I do, too. However, today's worry was peculiar, especially looking back on it now. It had nothing to do with money in the bank, or spending too much on a pair of shoes or a dinner out with friends....no, this money wasn't even mine, not really anyway. Like most teachers, I am given a budget with which to buy things I need for my classroom. This particular money was to be spent on this year's children only. That means no textbooks, no markers for the room, no teacher books, no instruments, or library books......something that the kids could take home. No problem, right?? WRONG!

SERIOUSLY!!!!! I've been shopping about 6 times and I can't manage to spend the money! What's wrong with me....I really like shopping, but it seems as though no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't spend the required amount. So not only did I feel like a loser, but here's where the worry sets in. If I don't spend the money, will I get the same amount next year? Will someone else use it if I don't? Should I have bought more for the students? Should I be doing more as a teacher? Am I failing my students? Am I good at my job? Will I be fired for not spending my budget? Am I going crazy? What will people think of me? And the list goes on......

This blog is about all of the things I worry about. I worry a lot. People could hire me to worry for them. Sometimes, I think that worry is good. It helps me stay organized and on top of things. BUT and it's a huge BUT, I think it may be shortening my life:( Some days my brain is in constant overdrive with all of things I am thinking and worrying about. Scratch that.....if it's on my mind for more than two minutes, it's long graduated from thinking into worry.


I thought a blog might be helpful. Maybe if I get it out there, then I can let it go.....Will it work? Now I'm worried about that.....We shall see.